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Check Car Insurance History

How To Check Your Car Insurance History

How to check your car insurance history, claims data held on you, No Claims Bonus record and insurance status.

Difference Between Insurance Providers

Difference Between a Car Insurer, a Broker and a Comparison site

The difference between each type of car insurance provider, how they work, make money and which one is best to use.

Car insurance factors

Car Insurance - Top 5 Biggest Price Changing Questions

We discuss the top five factors that affect the cost of your car insurance premium.

car insurance changes

Changes you need to tell your car insurance company about

Have your circumstances changed? It may have an impact on your car insurance.

Car insurance scam

Is car insurance a scam?

Car insurance costs leave many people wondering if the whole thing is just a scam to make money out of us. But is it?

No Claims Bonus

What is No Claims Bonus in car insurance?

No Claims Bonus is the biggest rating factor that affects your price. But what is it and how does it work?